Tuesday, 8 November 2016

I am going to write about how globalization impacts my life?

Everything in this world is changing in front of our eyes, and becoming
moderne. Globalization helps us to became a successful because of there is so many information is not accessible to the individuell instead of a group of people like a business.

As we can see our daily life the peoples have a computer that they can watch movies without going or paying expensive prices of the movie. I can also check easily the international news.  There are also many other things that affects me.

 For example: I have many clothes who came from so many difference countries because i don’t need to wear expensive clothes. You can just order from the internet and it’s a lot cheaper than this country. I can also chat to all my friends who lives all over the world. That Is how globalization impacts my life.  You can easily get or order whatever you want in all over the world without any problem. 

1 comment:

  1. The content is good - you will get a handout with language comments.
